
"This exhibit is a personal look at abuse, violence and anxiety, and the importance of creating order within the chaos to get a more clear view on a hope for change." BC

If I Can't Dance, I'm Not Interested In Your Revolution! 
Neither Saint, Nor Whore, Just Woman

BETSY Z. CASAÑAS a Visual and Public Artist, an educator, a community activist and an organizer. She is the Director of A Seed on Diamond Gallery (S.O.D) and Founder of Semilla Arts Initiative. Casañas has 25 years of experience in the arts and has created over 50 murals worldwide.




Natalie Harrity, Ivy Hunnicut, Will McQuillan, Anabel Silver and Jessica Young

For many of us, Night Light is our first-ever installation project. We played around with how light interacts with three-dimensional surfaces, taking inspiration from the idea of perspective. A “nightlight” is a small lamp that is usually used to relieve one of the uneasiness of complete darkness. Quite comically, the shadows cast on the multitude of blank stares and various facets may prompt an opposite feeling--one of being unsettled. The installation consists of a series of plaster faces mounted to the walls of the GReaT GLaSS eLeVaToR, with two lanterns suspended in the middle of the room. Participants are encouraged to swing the lanterns so they project moving shadows onto the plaster faces.


Sanna DeBosse, Nora Robinson and Julia Tanier

Our installation is attempting to surround the viewer with the feeling of water. Not actual water, as our boundaries have been limited by the structure of the building. There are, however, lots of other textures we have incorporated to insinuate the feeling of water. We gathered them in search of the perfect feeling of H2O. Our main idea was to make the bathroom a bath for the soul.

Window installation “All The Right Angles” by GFS Senior Jake Russo. (Independent Studies with Sarah Zwerling)

Window installation “All The Right Angles” by GFS Senior Jake Russo. (Independent Studies with Sarah Zwerling)