In the FRoNT RooM


"The Memory Mapping Project" A Visual Memoire

Where does memory live? Existing in subjective mental time travel. Elusive in nature caught between the episodic and the semantic. These images travel back through my childhood triggering the multi-senses. Smell, taste, touch or sound that bring me to a time and place that recall emotions and memories that are still deeply felt. Memory is multi-sensory. A smell, touch, sound or taste can transport to a place of long ago. Memory can be investigative, nurturing and reassuring. With time memory can become revisionist, we hold on to them, good and bad.  It can define who we are, it hold our secrets. But memory is elusive. 

This is the house that I grew up in, new in 1959. Moved from Oxford Circle to the Far Northeast. It always felt very barren and desolate to me. A vast cultural wasteland. As long as I can remember, I wanted to leave.  Jill Saull

This is the house that I grew up in, new in 1959. Moved from Oxford Circle to the Far Northeast. It always felt very barren and desolate to me. A vast cultural wasteland. As long as I can remember, I wanted to leave.  Jill Saull

In the BaCK RooM

GARY REED "Humans & Angels"

Throughout my life I have always been an explorer, a person who always asked questions. Some of the questions I have asked, have been about religion. In my Catholic school education I never found spiritual release, although I have been able to find it through my work.  I see photography as the eye that doesn’t blink, that doesn’t judge, but is an enhanced eye that can view the world on another plane of existence. My portraits tend to look sincerely into the person’s deeper self or emotions. I look, not for what is beautiful, but what is honest in a person. GR

No matter how slow the film, the spirit will wait for the photographer.” Minor White

Gary Reed has a degree in Photography from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Gary's work has been published in The Philadelphia Inquirer, The City Paper, Temple University Press, Print Magazine, and Newsweek. He is the author of the book "The Lost Ce…

Gary Reed has a degree in Photography from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Gary's work has been published in The Philadelphia Inquirer, The City Paper, Temple University Press, Print Magazine, and Newsweek. He is the author of the book "The Lost Centennial Project," published by Blurb Press in 2012, which was accompanied by a traveling exhibition shown at the Fairmount Park visiting center in Philadelphia. 

His photography has been exhibited nationally in over 30 solo and group exhibitions, including many private and corporate collections. He has exhibited at the Painted Bride, The imperfect Gallery, The Philadelphia Photo Art Center, 3rd Street Gallery, The University of Pennsylvania Museum, The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, and The Manayunk.

In the GReaT GLaSS eLeVaToR


Round and Found Sculpture

With balance, gravity & suspension, 
they fit, fall and land in place,
colorful, dimensional, reflective pieces.
Expect the unexpected. 

Alex Morgan.png

In the ReDRooM

Juan's Flaming Hummus presents


Carlito cruz is Philadelphia native, and self taught artist who's latest work has been loosely described as a series of self portraits. A D.I.Y. social scientist/ anthropologist and collector of stories, he finds beauty in the unlikely of places. 

Carlito Cruz.jpg